Friday, March 13, 2009

About me

Not totally intentionally I'm becoming the online social networking butterfly for my new co. (FYI / I started a new co. with my colleges.) I would take the opportunity to plug it on my blog... but I'm not sure I want my new co. people reading this blog ... is that wrong? Its about wedding and my silly girl thoughts. Not about trend setting design issues (which is what I should be blogging about). Anyways that's what is going on now. Here a couple more things...
1. Painted our bed room "cloudy day"
2. Went to Chicago twice in February
3. Didn't eat meat for 2 weeks just to see if I could do it.
4. Joined a 'BNI' group (Business Networking International)
5. Attended a Speed Network Event (just like what I imagine speed dating would be like)
6. Become addicted to twitter.
7. Found some great new musicians via Pandora.

P.S I did not proof read this post

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