Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bridal Shower : Banner

After reading a blog post at indie fixx and a little push from Alethas blog post at pearls events I knew I just HAD to create my own banner for the bridal shower.

I used random fabrics that coordinated with our color 'scheme' and viola! Below is the banner in all its poorly photographed greatness.

Why can't I also have photography skills? Ugg. Point and shoot photos never do a project justice. I will be sure to capture the banner in action at the shower!

Bridal Shower : Invitation

I'm throwing a bridal shower for my future sister in law. The location is a cute space at a camp ground on a lake. For those of you who know the area its the Shelps 'Resort' on Pine lake. I will do my best to capture the elements the day of but I thought I would highlight some of my preparation for the shower.

DIY : Invitation
Here is a snap shot of the digital file. I will be capturing a shot of the invitation in the kraft paper envelope with the handmade custom liner!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us

This year has been completely amazing. Who ever said the first year was the hardest?
I have not shared tons of OUR wedding photos on my blog so here are a few fun goodies in honor of our anniversary :)
Seriously, how could you not stay married to a man with a devilish smile like that?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Peonies

Home Inspiration : Wall Decor

Sometimes I feel over whelmed thinking about kitchen renovations. Today I'm inspired by these plates collages. Wouldn't it be fab to have pieces of family china complement by other great pieces?

I found the first photo on this (new to me) blog - My Little Corner of the World. It lead me on a search to similar photos...

Image Sources :
1 - 2 - 3

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Inspiration : My poppies

All i have is a simple point and shoot camera. I think its about time to invest in something 'better'... although *toot too* (that was my own horn) I must say these are pretty fantastic (for me) for being taken with a point and shoot camera.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

About me

• I broke my arm (elbow). I fell of my bike lats saturday while adjusting my sunglasses. Damn.

Work Life?
• I'm working on chocolate bar packaging project with a candy co. and can't wait to unveil the project.
• Over my head in social media.
• Diggin' my new responsibilities.

Home Life?
• Reconditioning a outdoor bench I begged Greg to pickup off the side the road.
• Managed to stay on top of yard work with a broken arm.
• Hesitant yet excited to start the kitchen overhaul.

Social Life?
• Actually looking forward to my 10 year high school reunion!
• Will be throwing a baby shower for my good friend Erica in less than too weeks.
• Looking forward to attending the KIA art fair this weekend with Megan.

Someday I will give this blog the attention it deserves. Until then I will update with useless information about me every so often :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

About me

Not totally intentionally I'm becoming the online social networking butterfly for my new co. (FYI / I started a new co. with my colleges.) I would take the opportunity to plug it on my blog... but I'm not sure I want my new co. people reading this blog ... is that wrong? Its about wedding and my silly girl thoughts. Not about trend setting design issues (which is what I should be blogging about). Anyways that's what is going on now. Here a couple more things...
1. Painted our bed room "cloudy day"
2. Went to Chicago twice in February
3. Didn't eat meat for 2 weeks just to see if I could do it.
4. Joined a 'BNI' group (Business Networking International)
5. Attended a Speed Network Event (just like what I imagine speed dating would be like)
6. Become addicted to twitter.
7. Found some great new musicians via Pandora.

P.S I did not proof read this post

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This blog is so outdated!

What have I been doing?

1. Obsessing (really obsessing) over the finishing touches to our living room.
2. Printing photos for our bathroom.
3. Making valentines for April Fosters valentine exchange in my new art studio.
4. Poking around twitter.
5. Working out (just a little)
6. Blogging for the new co (and I HATE writing!!!)
7. Cooking alot.
8. Secretly watching reality tv.
9. Trying not to think about weddings and how much i love them.
10. Hanging out with Greg, snuggling with Pixel and punishing hank.
11. Taking a fused glass class with my mom.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

another space inspiration photo

I think this bench from ikea is close enough for 39.99
with these picture ledges also from ikea for only 19.99

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To buy or to make?

So there are two areas in our home where a set up like this would be appropriate. I love this from Pottery barn but its $379 for just the bench!

I was browsing one of my new favorite mags - Do It Yourself (from Better Homes and Gardens) and came across this fun idea.
I certainly won't be tackeling this before my Art Studio is complete. Perhaps this spring?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Inspiration Board for Jewel Toned Wedding

I created this for Leslie and her Jewel toned (New Years Eve) wedding.
The ring included in the board is her engagement ring (i love it) its plays so nicely with the jewel tone board.

Anyone else want a inspiration board?