Monday, June 23, 2008

40 days left....

I had an AMAZING SHOWER this weekend. I will share details as soon as I can upload some more photos.

I'm not sure if i mentioned it before or not but i found a hair style that i lovvvveee. I found it in a random magazine. Its a channel No 5 ad with Nicole Kidman.
Basically a messy / curly pony tail. I'm convinced it will look lovely with my fantastic veil. Megan, is it what you thought?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

exciting stuff...

I've got some catch up to do today with my blog.

1. Weeks ago I made some signs...
(this is me without any makeup and a crappy expression)
These signs turned out, but some did not. I missed spelled ceremony on a sign, oops. I'm not stupid i just see letter as shapes sometimes and things get missed :))))
2. I blogged about our first present awhile ago... here it is. I cannot even begin to tell you how exciting your first present is!

It was fantastic and perfect.
The highlight (other than presents and visiting with family and friends and fantastic food) was the collage 'game'. People were grouped together and had to make collages that they thought represented greg and it - I got to choose the winner. It was such a great game and was soooo fitting for me. Each collage is FANTASTIC and I can't wait to come up with a way to display them in the new house!

Me showing off the winner...
works in progress....
A Lovely center piece using my fantastic blue jars - nice work mom!

4. I had my first dress fitting and unveiling of the veil. I LOVE my veil almost as much as I LOVE my dress.

5. Invites are in the mail as of monday.

6. We have the house keys in hand and Greg is doing MAJOR yard work.

7. I think i found a hair style for the wedding !

8. We bought living room furniture.

9. Our wedding is 6 weeks from this saturday.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ceremony, Presents & Events

55 days.

Recently Aletha from Pearls Events put me in contact with another one of her Homestead clients, Bree. Bree recently took a trip to the homestead, captured some NEW ceremony site pictures and was kind enough to share them with us. Thanks Aletha and Bree :)))

On another exciting note I recieved our first shower gift from my Aunt Mary. I took photos of it but have not uploaded them yet.

Tonight I meeting with one of my fav local jewelers Amy Zane about my wedding jewels. Check her out - she rocks and is all about creating custom pieces.

My first shower is Saturday!
My first dress fitting is Tuesday!