This weekend is the annual holiday art sale at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. There will be TONS of fabulous AFFORDABLE original pieces of art. I will even be selling a couple pieces both print and glass.
Target- not only do they have wedding dresses - but also - bridesmaids dresses. My girls will already be spending so much $$$ on our wedding... why not get a cheap dress (that doesn't look cheap)? see it at target
No not the perfume. I purchased my 3rd canon digital elf today. I've been known to be a bit rough on my cameras and have broken my last 2... oops. Why do a still go back to canon? they have the BEST pocket size camera on the market - by far. I wouldn't mind trying out the Olympus 770sw - because its shock proof - water proof - crush proof - but with retail at $350.00 i just can't do it. I'm a design snob and I'm not sure that i like the look of the camera I just bought. They reverted to a 'boxy' design - and I don't know how I feel about this... regardless I have a new camera ! YES YES yES! Happy early christmas to me!
i totally need it. if it smells really really good... should I - a. go buy it and use it. b. go buy it and SAVE it for the wedding day. c. add it to my christmas book (like a list but longer)
No, I do not have a dress yet. However - we booked an awesome officiant and a kick ass DJ. yippee!!! Jackie is our officiate and she is truly one of a kind. We met her at her house where she made us feel very welcome, offered us wine and even let pixel come inside and run around. ... Jackies website ... Our DJ is George. From the first 5 minutes at his house we could tell he was extremely professional - organized and very very thorough. He has so many great and unique ideas and a great house. ... Georges website ...
another picture from our trip... we didnt take very many with us in them though... Lastly, Mrs. Sadler just let me know what kinda of art work you want for your blog :)
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I failed English the first time around - I cannot spell, I have no regard for grammar, and have the writing style of a 5th grader. I'm sorry for those of you who read my blog and think I'm an idiot. I'm only an idiot when it comes to writing and words. Perhaps I should quite writing and just do little pieces of art work for each blog... interesting idea.
First, the colors we're still beautiful! This picture was taken through the front window.
We had a great visit at The Homestead, it made me much more confident in our venue choice. They had an update about the ceremony site which is SUPER exciting. Below is a pano I took of the interior, it does NOT do the space justice. Pixel went with us, she was such a trooper spending the majority of the time in the car. Ah, the reasons we were there. Still discussion on officiant. I think we've picked a DJ, we just need look at the budget Great Rehearsal dinner place(s)! back to work now!
We love our road trips. This particular one will be very productive. In 2 short days we will be meeting with 3 officiants, 2 Dj's, and one homestead Events coordinator. Wish us luck! I hoping to come back confident that we've found a great DJ and a fabulous officiate.
this is a picture from a trip up north about 2 years ago. ah, the memories! don't worry my readers - I will take pictures.
Who's reading this... Anyone?.. not that it matters. Ithink my blog will be something great for me to refect on someday... something to remember what it took to get us to our wedding day, and what I was thinking!